A Bird Called Silence Response | Teen Ink

A Bird Called Silence Response

September 10, 2019
By Anonymous

The writing titled “ A Bird Called Silence,” written by Kallia E., talks about a silence that flies like a bird and won’t leave. The poem “A Bird Called Silence,” by Kallia E. was so moving and so passionate as if the author was only talking to people close to her. The poem is absolutely beautiful with its imageries like, “I sit happily with pen in hand / When the world fazes through / to a different brand…,” (Emt 90). The imagery used gives this poem such nice transitions and deeper meanings yet learned within the smoothly written lines. The metaphors in this poem are so brilliant they leave you trying to think of answers like, “...Savage light / Dancing, and dazzling delicately behind / its black eyes,” (Emt 90). This poem conveys so much emotion that it is hard to understand the surface so you must look underneath.

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