Summer at Ringling | Teen Ink

Summer at Ringling

February 21, 2019
By TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “Summer at Ringing” by Joshua Galindo, I can relate to all the words he is saying in it. I know that I have been thinking about moving very far away from my hometown to move to Hawaii. It has always been my dream to move there, but I have frequently wondered how much I will miss my family. Also how scared I would be to be on my own. “I’ve made my future better than my dreams.” is a quote I want to live by. Although I am scared to not see my family, to follow my dreams I have to go to Hawaii and live my life. You only live once and this article made me feel so much better about moving away.

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