Re:Mind by Maya Nelson | Teen Ink

Re:Mind by Maya Nelson

January 24, 2019
By PapiAmbitious BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
PapiAmbitious BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with Maya Nelson in her article of a thriller called "Re:Mind". It is a very interesting show with many plot twists you will not expect. While Maya adds in her article "their stories both add to the mystery, and contribute to the show's themes". It makes you think and it also makes you think of many other mysteries that the characters have. You can either solve the mystery or find more mysteries the other characters offer. The director of the show created it very well and made it very interesting. Plus it is truly a "thrilling roller coaster ride" (Nelson) that the show offers. Looking forward to more shows that are similar to this or something more.

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