Changes | Teen Ink


December 19, 2018
By malarellano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
malarellano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Changes" by Sophia S. was a very mind-opening piece. she used very discriptive words to make it easy to picture so you felt like you were there. Sophia shows in the article that when you take the time out of your day to be kind to someone that it can benefit you in the long run. The line in the article that says, "You changed me. and although i didnt save you, i hope i made you feel a little more human." to me she shows and tells how society works now. She shows how we treat homeless people and even people we feel are "inferior" to us, which is like garbage and very poorly. Thank you Sophia, for giving attention to an issue that rarely gets talked about.

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