The Fruits of Loving Your Roots | Teen Ink

The Fruits of Loving Your Roots

October 3, 2018
By Lara_Yesenia BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Lara_Yesenia BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I wholeheartly agree with Sarah Saeed in her article "The Fruits of Loving Your Roots." Within her writing, she clearly states her deep belief in "being proud of where you came from, and not letting fear change who you are." I too strongly believe in this and can aslo relate with her stroy because of my roots. When I was younger, and had started school, I had different privilages from the rest of my classmates. Unlike them, I had to take an extra class and be taken out of my regular one for more help because of my Mexican roots and becasuse of the fact that Spanish was my first language. I completly understand the fact of having it harder than others to talk about our roots and where we came from, so to me her stroy had a very touching connection. 

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