Dress to Impress | Teen Ink

Dress to Impress

September 10, 2018
By p_ramos0703 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
p_ramos0703 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 A big round of applause for Copper Greene for his article "Dress to Impress". I personally enjoyed reading about your point of view on the dress code, especially because you're a male, also interesting to read and you talking about your sisters experience. It was also enjoyable because it must be very inspiring to girls due to the fact that many girls take the school dress code towards them and take it offensive and make some girls uncomftorable. I love your story, especially because you're a male and it's your perspective, and many males don't really care about it because they just see it as another school rule. You're story caught my attention when you stated, "What are the schools teaching these girls at a young age? That they shouldn't feel free to wear what they want and express themselves?", that part was just an eye opener. Hopefully your story gets around and spreads some kind of message that deserves to be known. Thank you, Cooper for your fascinating article.

The author's comments:

 This article caught my attention, why? Im a female and i honestly believe that a dress code shouldn't exist. It's not really our problem that boys can't control seeing a shoulder or a little more of your leg. A dress codes shows that us girls aren't able to express ourselves and all. Many of your quotes and reasonings had so much purpose to them and made so much sense.

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