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Cannon Falls, Minnesota

There many reason’s not to choose organic food, “It’s for rich people”, Normal food is just fine” Whatever your reason, I hope I can persway you too choose the healthy alternative...
MaBox BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Maggie Maness BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
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By Eeko67 BRONZE
Woodland Park, Colorado
Eeko67 BRONZE, Woodland Park, Colorado
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NastyNate BRONZE, Coulee, Washington
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By ainslee BRONZE
Bethany, Oklahoma
ainslee BRONZE, Bethany, Oklahoma
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callng me ugly wont make you pretty so keep hattin

adammussani BRONZE, Greely, Ontario
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By aknoll PLATINUM
Conrath, Wisconsin
aknoll PLATINUM, Conrath, Wisconsin
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