Kids and Their FunDip | Teen Ink

Kids and Their FunDip

April 27, 2017
By LaQuez Brown BRONZE, Maricopa, Arizona
LaQuez Brown BRONZE, Maricopa, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many kids in the United States use drugs. There has been a problem with drugs becoming popular with kids. Many kids are becoming addicted to drugs because they keep buying them more than Barbie dolls or Action figures. What do they buy them with, Money! They have money to support their addiction to drugs. A lifelong addiction starts at an early age. To stop this we must cut every kid’s income.

Kids today, 18 years and younger, already have hundreds if not thousands of dollars to spend on anything they want. Kids want drugs. That’s fact! Kids want to be like their heroes, Snoop Doggy, Elmo, Wizzy khalifa, Barney the dinosaur etc., and smoke the candy cigarette or snort the fun dip. If you see a kid with fun dip they are definitely getting high off it.

Drugs are super easy to get. No matter where you live there is probably a park that has some shady wannabe white drug dealer kid selling. Don’t even question who supplies him. Who gives a crazy white boy drugs to sell when he looks like he needs see a doctor about his skin deteriorating and eyes permanently blood shot. Just don’t question it, drugs are easy to get and the government will not stop it.

If the government really cared they could just arrest all the kid drug dealers who get their drugs from thin air and put them in some type of day care that holds them for at least 8 hours a day teaching them useless knowledge so they can’t survive in the real world or do taxes.

For a more practical solution to kids using drugs, we need to get rid of their money. That means cut allowances, birthday gifts, gift cards, grandparents visiting, and Christmas money. An even better idea is to cut minimum wage. Kids get summer jobs and part time jobs and we need people to do those jobs. We need kids to flip burgers and wash cars. Minimum wage has gone up this past year when in fact it should’ve gone down. The number one reason kids buy drugs is they have the money to.

With no money what will they do? Not drugs. The most important thing is for them not to be doing the fun dip and jumping into the nearest bouncy house. Too much funny business will lead to bad habits and addiction. Our future generation depends on these younger kids to grow up and be able to make smart decisions. No one wants a lollipop sucking president that can’t go five minutes without getting a lick or else he starts dying from the withdraw symptoms.

With children being born just as fast as kids are becoming addicted to drugs, the United States of America has a few problems to fix. Kids doing drugs is not something people want to see on playgrounds and at the mall. The root of the problem is kids making money. Kids should not have lots of money because money is what drugs are bought with.

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