Body Image | Teen Ink

Body Image

June 6, 2016
By rhodarobles BRONZE, San Diego, California
rhodarobles BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this: It is your first day of middle school. You have all your confidence and pride. While walking around the campus, a group of people started looking at you. You had to go to your class which, you had to pass by them to get through. You have to do it, you have to pass them. You got yourself together and headed your way. As you got closer to them, they started laughing. You ignored it and kept walking away just then, they started calling you names. The names that they called you, all related to how you look like. Whenever you passed by them around campus, they called you names again. That’s when it hit you. All your confidence and pride all sank down. All the emotions you had were all scrambled around sad, hurt and embarrassed. “What did I do wrong?” “Did I do anything to them?” You thought to yourself, if you have to change who you are for them to stop. You wondered why they aimed for you and started calling you names. Am I really what they call me? How do I forget about this? Who can I talk to about this? Is it worth ending my life because of this? Has this ever happened to you? If so, I know a way to cope with body image. I strongly believe the best way to cope with body image is by having ways to cope with body image

One reason why I think having ways to cope with body image is the best way because it will help you deal with what people or you think about how you look. The word body image means, the way you see yourself and imagine how you look ( “Consulting Psychologists”, 2016). According to my research teens see themselves through the influence of  the media, society and peer pressure ( “Just Say Yes”, 2015). What do you think? Do you really like how the media, society and peer pressure does to you? With those things getting into your head, it can lead you to bad things, like hurting yourself. If you keep the negativity that you see in your body, there is a huge chance that what you think about yourself would stay with you throughout your life. Second of all, listening to what people say about your body and following what they said won’t do any good to you or them. It won’t do any good to you because you let what they said about your body get to you. It won’t do any good to them because it showed who they really are. You need to see the positivity in the negativity! A negative body image will only make your life worse. Pushing the negativity away from you, only makes you stronger. Without the words that the media or the society says to you, you can be whoever you want. The media gives negative impacts on self image which leads to teens believing the lies to unhealthy measures and try to fit how they should look ( “Just Say Yes”, 2015 ). Why should you listen to them? Do we really know what is behind the whole negativity the social media says? The social media uses photo-shop to make people in magazines or videos perfect. Why should you listen to them about what they think about your body when they have imperfections too? With all the negativity the media says about body image, people who suffer it may go through obesity, muscularity, face or body differences, disabilities or medical procedures ( “Mirror Mirror Eating Disorders”, 2016 ). Why would you want to possibly go all through that and instead, find ways to go against it. Finding ways to go against it is one way to cope with body image, another is to help you go through it

Another way of finding ways to go against it can help you overcome what body image is using it as a way to cope with body image. Finding ways to go against it can help you physically and help you regain your confidence. Accepting people of all shapes and sizes will help you accept who you are. Another way, is just to eat whatever you want. Dieting helps you lose self-esteem and energy, which will cause you to have mood swings and feeling hopelessness ( “BYU Idaho”, 2013 ). Lastly, start giving yourself compliments ( “Lifehack” )! Just these simple ways, can change you into who you should be. Don’t underestimate yourself from other people or from what other people say or think. According to my research, 86% of women are dissatisfied with their bodies and would want to lose weight ( “BYU Idaho”, 2013 ). Social media and the people’s opinion about how you should look is really messed up! You can’t really change how you look because of their opinion. They need to understand that being different is okay! Do you think I’m wrong? Data shows, the opinions of what people people say can also lead to eating disorders, cutting/self harm, or alcohol/drug use ( “Just Say Yes”, 2015). Stop and think, do you really want to do that to yourself? Self harming and all those bad things shouldn’t be happening to you just because of body image. Believing what other people say, is not the answer. Do whatever you are comfortable with and happy with. Why should you let all the negativities go all to you. Plus, 25% to 70% of your body is by your genes ( “BYU Idaho”, 2013 ). You can’t change what is given to you. You are made to be different from others so, don’t let what people think about you to be the same as them. Go outside, smell the fresh air and be yourself. No one can ever change you just because of what they think or feel. Love who you were meant to be as. Loving who you are is the right thing to do, but some people don’t understand why

People who don’t go through body image may think different. They say that you can get over body image quickly. I know they are not fully correct because some people haven’t fully recovered from body image. People who don’t suffer body image do not spend time looking at their bodies and compare themselves with other people ( “Mirror Mirror Eating Disorders”, 2016 ). With that being said, they don’t know what the people who suffers body image feels. They do not control people who go through body image. Body image is something no one can get rid of. People who say that they do not suffer it, could be lying. 80% of 10 years old girls and boys start dieting ( “BYU Idaho”, 2013 ). Could you believe that? Looking at yourself as an ugly image, is affecting you and the people around you. With more people noticing their imperfections, children and teens notice their imperfections too. This obviously shows, the more things that you see in yourself that is wrong, it just makes your life harder. With your life becoming harder because of the things you think, you won’t be able to fully see the true meaning of beauty. Everything outside and inside of you is beautiful. The more pressure that you put into you, it just piles obstacles so that you won’t see the true beauty in you. You can notice all the negativity within your body but don’t keep it as a negative, turn it around and see the positivity in it. Stop trying to be the perfect person and start embracing who you are ( “Lifehack” ). Trust me, loving who you are, will help you overcome body image.  Body image is only made with how we should look like

In conclusion, you can overcome body image by loving yourself. Finding ways to overcome body image, will help you get through a negative body image. Having a negative body image can cause you into some serious situations, which you wouldn’t want to be in. another way to cope with body image is to love yourself. Accepting who you truly are is the most important way to overcome body image. Accepting how you look like will make you realize the true beauty in you. Knowing someone who has problems with body image, you can help them fight it. At a young age, people tend to start looking at the negativity in them, which is not right. Helping other people and you overcome body image, will protect you and them. Love how you look because that is the only key to a happy life. Smile and admire yourself.

The author's comments:

This is an argument essay about body image. This essay includes what body image does to you and how you can overcome it.

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