Loneliness | Teen Ink


June 6, 2016
By evil! BRONZE, San Diego, California
evil! BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this: a person is sad and has no friends because he’s the “new kid” then you come and saw the new kid sad what do you do? (You can be friends with him, you ask what’s wrong and can I help you). You have to help a person if she/he is sad or angry. EX: A person has a friend, the person is a 6th grade  and the friend is 8 grade, graduation day has come and your friend has to go to 9th grade and you have to be in 7th grade, you have to say goodbye to you friend.You have to find a new friend. Friends are the key to relationship. My opinion is friendship is the way to defeat Loneliness.

If a person ask to be your friend (know matter how gross or pretty he/she is) then say yes, why you ask because you are going to be lonely til you grow up! GET A FRIEND OR BE LEFT WITH LONELINESS!!!!!!!! EX: There are two paths one is a friends path and the other is a loneliness path (do not go to the loneliness path) take the friends path. People will have friends when the are little, teen, young adult, adult and senior. The way to get away from loneliness is get a friend, loneliness will make your life bad. I think loneliness must be stop you, (yes I am talking about you) join the friendship side. Friends can have fun, play and activity with you.

My conclusion is parents and other friends were both likes friends but loneliness stops the path. If you have a bully that is your friend, then dump him/her!!! (like I always say: “a bully can never be a friend”).

The author's comments:

This is an argument essay about Loneliness

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