School Stress | Teen Ink

School Stress

June 6, 2016
By milkacid BRONZE, San Diego , California
milkacid BRONZE, San Diego , California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this: You’re at home, struggling because you have tons of homework that are too difficult for you to do. You have only one day to turn in all your assignments. Plus you have a test tomorrow that is a big part of your grade. You have good grades, until you didn’t turn in your assignments, it was too hard for you to do. Your teacher dropped your grade down. Later on you have a test on a lesson you don’t understand, so you just guessed. Your teacher hands back your test and you look at it, and you see that solid F. You get back home knowing your grades dropped, you tell your parents and they get mad at you. The next day your teacher is calling you out at the class and he’s lecturing you. You cry because you already are stress in school and you are being pressured too much. How do  you handle all this pressure? Has this ever happened to you? If so there’s always a way to deal with the problem of school stress so it doesn’t ruin your life. I strongly believe that the best way to overcome school stress is to have motivation.


One reason I think relying on motivation is the best way to overcome school stress is because it makes you think that you make it through your difficulties and struggles. Before I explain more of my reasoning let me give you a definitions. Stress. Stress is when you are frustrated ( school stress takes a toll on health 2013). The definition of motivation is what keeps you going no matter how hard the situation gets ( Google 2016). In the definition of stress we see words like frustrated, and struggling. We’ll talk more about this later. According to parents, they see their children’s stressing over their homeworks, and especially grades ( kidshealth2012 ). Now if all the students would be motivated  they would be more confident about passing and getting good grades . Do students really want to stress all the time? 90% of students who are motivated always tries their best and work through their work (school stress takes a toll on health 2013). Motivation doesn’t only help adults, infact it helps everyone. Think about it, doesn’t feel great when you accomplish something hard? When you are motivated you success, and success is a great outcome after you struggled. Do students just need motivation to get over their stress? If students are motivated they are most likely to success. Motivation will help us get through our struggles as long as we motivate our self. Why not carry that feeling inside of us at all times and use against stress. Think about it, you go home stressed with work and you try everything but you’re still struggling, nothing and no one can help you except for you to motivate yourself.  Now think about this, you’re at home, and you’re stressed but that doesn’t stop you, you motivate yourself. If you motivate yourself you get this type of feeling which feels amazing. A student who motivates herself is getting better and improving her grades ( kidshealth 2012). Ourself can be the biggest motivator or the biggest enemy and it’s up for us to decide.

Using motivation to get through stress will help us, however we have to be our own motivator
If we use motivation as our guidance it helps us believe we can accomplish things in our life. The best motivator in our life is our self because we are the only ones to truly know how far we need to get and how much we need to be motivated. So no matter how hard the situation gets and causes us to stress we can motivate our self which will be the key to our success. A student who was stressing in school made posters and quotes, she also designed her planner and kept reading and thinking about the motivational quotes, weeks later motivation tackled down her stress (kidshealth 2012). “Motivation helped me get rid of my stress, reading motivational quotes also helped me” (kidshealth 2012). Consider this, if motivation helped people with their stress it can help anyone. I strongly believe motivation can kill anyone’s stress as long as they are motivated. Stop and think, people who get’s stress are most likely to be frustrated, now think about this people who motivates themselves while maintaining stress slowly loses their difficulties.


Motivation can get us through stress, but there are still students who are stressing in school.

People like teachers, parents, or students, who had never been a victim of school stress would say that school stress  is not a big deal. I have research that says students are all different and have different learning pastes at school. The research continues to say 97% of students all learn differently which leads to different pastes for all students. I know that people who never experienced school stress would think they have a good point, but they’re wrong. School stress is hard on students. According to my research, school stress stress affects students and gives them a hard time as 83% of students had been through this situation (kidshealth 2012). That is a lot of students who had been stressed just from school. Students who actually stress from school is hard time and struggle for them. The stress can be a physical pain such as headaches, and with anxiety filled up it releases sweat and or sweaty hands, also a stomach ache can occur. School is hard on students it leads them into anxiety and over think about how well they’re doing in school. I think it’s truly hard when you get stressed from school because you can feel the pain knowing that you’re lost or confused you just don’t know what to do anymore. It’s hard when you try your best, but your best wasn’t good enough, and that’s how some students feel like most of the time. Homeworks, quizzes, tests, and most importantly grades are how students get affected all the time. They have to focus really hard, and apparently those tasks can lead to stress. “My daughter sometimes come crying to me about how hard the work is too hard for her” (Studypoint 2011). “It’s hard for me to see my daughter struggling even if she’s working hard and and trying her very best” (Studypoint 2011). With all this data we can depict how much students are stressing in school.

Stress can get through some of the students, but we can still make a change.

In conclusion, motivation can help students get through school stress. What can really help is motivation, motivation will help us get through stress by letting us believe in our self. Motivation is like a friend because it’s there when we are down, it’s also a guidance. Motivation helps with stress because it guides us where we need to be and where we belong. It let’s us think that we can get through any difficulties and we all can, if we believe in our self. Motivation is a desire for people to do something. It’s a desire for us to keep moving and work harder. It can also prevent stress. How? if we are starting strong and we already motivate our self it’s kicking the stress back. If you just keep motivating and believing in yourself you are kicking the stress back. You would also most likely to succeed because you have those positive vibes that is preventing the stress. Help those who are stressing, let them be motivated, they need to protect themselves from school stress . You must also protect yourself too. Be your own greatest motivator in this world.

The author's comments:

This is an arguement essay about school stress. 

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