School Stress | Teen Ink

School Stress

June 6, 2016
By SupahYoshiX BRONZE, San Diego, California
SupahYoshiX BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So, imagine this: You are in either middle school or high school and your grades are pretty bad. You have received huge assignments from most of your teachers, they are all due in a week and grades are due the day after. You need to start early to jump start on those assignments so they aren’t done last minute. Next day, “Pop quiz!” the board says. the teacher states this will go on the gradebook. The quizzes are given back and you receive a “B-” making you stressed out for the rest of the day and only finishing half of only one assignment. “BEEP-BEEP” It’s 7:10 in the morning. The sight gives you a slight shock to your head. You arrive late to school lowering a small portion of your overall grade. To take off that stress you take a “small” nap, though wake up to late in the afternoon doing the assignments. The big day arrives and you turn in your assignments. You get 2 Bs, a B- and an A. You leave school with a stressed vibe in the air and a feeling of heavy weight on your shoulders. No one wants to get it hard on this event right?

School stress is umm...well, what it says school stress! I’m sure everyone knows and had this situation before. A definition of stress is “a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.” (Merriam Webster) I can say that school stress is when the given work overwhelms your mental health becoming tired or unenergetic. People should lower on how much work we get assigned. To focus on good grades, we need to focus and stabilize our minds. This is the meaning of (school) stress, now hear the effects.

When school stress is active, some effects can be weight gain or loss, insomnia where you have lack of sleep or trouble staying awake, hair loss, tiredness and fatigue. An article (npr) details that 16 year old Colleen Frainey, a sophomore, was enrolled to advanced classes and the pressure she was receiving from them made her sick and tired. Her parents convinced Colleen to drop one of the classes. Though her GPA will be lowered, now Colleen can relax and go out to dinner with her family on a school night or go to the barn to ride her horse feeling refreshed. According to a survey of students in a school, 60% of 13-15 year old teens have a big amount of stress on their shoulders, 71% of 15-16 year old teens have the stress on their back as well. Another survey details for all 22,000 U.S. teens to used one word to describe their current school thoughts. Results came in at tired used 39% and stressed used at 29%. Yet 598 teens say their major issue at their school is stress for good grades. Believe me, I’ve been through a lot of stress in school and I’d say these statements are way true. Alright so, how do students or you overcome stress?

You can overcome stress by the following: listening to your favorite song(s), taking a nap, doing outdoor activities, watching TV, playing your video games, or just eating a snack or meal. You can also use a stress ball, do deep breathing or meditate, talk with a friend on the phone, on a broadband gaming console or Skype or look on your social media such as Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. I would go play my video games or watch some anime to relieve stress.

As for the conclusion, school stress can hit the an abundant amount of teens and cause so much to their mental health and/or education. We need to have a steady mind to have a steady education. Lack of sleep or no relaxation can affect these states. They can even lead to what I call “ultimate procrastination” You can easily overcome these by doing what you like or what pleasures you, sleep, eat or play. So, let us rest alright? 

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