School Stress | Teen Ink

School Stress

June 6, 2016
By Anonymous

Imagine this: One negative change that a lot of students experience from school is an increased amount of stress. For example, you have to do school work like projects and homework and other school activities after school at the same time was my experience that caused an increased amount of stress for me. Do you think school stress can also affect you?

How does school affects teens, school stress affect teens by doing a lot of homework and projects it gives us stress especially when it comes to turning stuff like important projects that can affect your grades. School affect teens by not only giving us an education it adds a whole new level of things to worry about we have to maintain our grades, make sure we follow rules all while trying to be a  major part of our day and our week we are affected it wears us down not only do the weight of our backpacks weigh us down but so does the tests, and projects. We don’t have it easy much more than our future.

Is school stressful, school is stressful we have to wake up early get to school and sit for roughly 7 hours that may sound easy but it’s not. It’s supposed to end with the bell but it doesn’t we take school home they say leave your work at your job but what about school ? Most of the day is already spent in this so called learning environment why need to take it home. Yes, that’s right homework how stressful for teenagers like me we experience about 6 different classes each with its own set of standards, homework and projects, They love to just pile it on sometimes it’s just the teachers, we could be really good at a subject but the teachers sucks the fun out of it. Besides academics school is full of hormone filled of teenagers who love to prey each on each other we ruin each other and it does get to us. It adds a whole new level of stress, that we at this age shouldn’t have to deal with keeping your personal life and academic life in balance your turn into a ball of bad emotions and stress. School is stressful no matter how beneficial.

How to deal with school stress, to deal with school stress you should find a way to relax after school whether it’s taking a nap, showering anything that calms your nerves you worked hard relax yourself and take a break. This is your time enjoy it doing the things you love and forget about school so you can really enjoy your break, School is stressful, but it shouldn’t stop you from being able to have fun stress can be relieved let it.

In conclusion, school is stressful but finding a way to relax and deal with it can help you, school affect us not only on academic level, but on a social level we shouldn’t have to feel judged at school we are there to learn. School adds so many more things to worry about our lives are already complicated assignments, and just have fun and relax take your time you got this just one day at a time you can soar.



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