The Benefits of Healthy Eating | Teen Ink

The Benefits of Healthy Eating

May 1, 2016
By Anonymous

I can tell that some of you are thinking that there are millions of websites that explain healthy eating, but I’m going to actually discuss the benefits of doing it as well. I will also be discussing what it can prevent. It can do things like prevent some chronic diseases, promote optimal body weight, and maintain your body’s everyday functions. These are the types of things that will be discussed in this article.


First, we’ll talk about the prevention of chronic diseases. “What is a chronic disease?” you may be asking yourself. Well, to sum it up, a chronic disease is a health condition (or disease) that is persistent in its effects… meaning that it lasts for a long time. The “chronic” term is used only when the disease lasts for more than 3 months (these can include cancer, diabetes, asthma, etc.). For example, a lack of calcium in your diet can make you liable to developing osteoporosis, or the weakening of your bones. Too much saturated fat can cause cardiovascular disease, and too few fruits and veggies in your diet can increase your risk of getting cancer. Doing the opposite will prevent all of the above.


Next, we’ll discuss the promotion of an optimal body weight. Obesity isn’t the only nutrition-related cause of disease. Too much or too little nutrients can also contribute to health issues. This was talked about in second paragraph... about things like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Consuming foods from a wide variety of sources helps ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to avoid these health problems, and can also be used to prevent obesity, and help maintain a healthy diet and body weight.


Lastly, time to talk about how healthy eating can help maintain your everyday functions. Eating the right nutritive foods can boost your energy levels, preparing you for each day. Staying away from fattening, fried foods (which gives you a quick burst of energy, but leave you feeling tired and lazy soon after) and stocking up on healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, yogurt, and low-fat cheese for a long-lasting boost of energy. To help regulate your energy levels, drink enough water, and only consume moderate amounts of caffeine and sugar.

To sum up everything that was explained, healthy eating can do three main things to keep the body healthy: prevent some chronic diseases, promote optimal body weight, and maintain your body’s everyday functions. Cancer, diabetes, and asthma are three chronic diseases that can be prevented by eating a healthier diet. Consuming foods from a wide variety of sources helps ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to avoid conditions like obesity and cardiovascular disease. Also, consuming foods like nuts, fruits, and yogurts and leave you with a long-lasting energy boost. I hope these tips encouraged you to make good choices with your diet.

The author's comments:

I used to eat really unhealthy foods most of the time, so when I realized that I was way too over weight for my age group, I made a change. That summer, I lost about 35 pounds eating a lot healthier, and getting losts of exersise.

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