Drugs and Effects | Teen Ink

Drugs and Effects

March 11, 2016
By JoJoRojas BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
JoJoRojas BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drug abuse and addiction has been a social problem in America for nearly a century. What may be surprising is that many of these illegal drugs were first introduced by doctors as legal over-the-counter and prescription medications. 

Many drugs have shown to harm your body system the most “safest” drug known to doctors is marijuana it helps with epilepsy and cancer patients other than that “lean” like the rapper future describes the drink is very deadly side effects include

o Drowsiness.
o Dizziness and lightheaded feeling.
o Blurred vision.
o General confusion.
o Abnormal thinking.
o Fast or irregular heartbeat.
o Intense sweating.
o Hallucinations
o Urinary tract infection
o death


Risk of drug abuse increases when people get depressed or are in a mid – life crisis ways to prevent drug abuse for teens are : involved hobbies,sports,and outdoor-activities.

The author's comments:

I am passionate about drug prevention and educating teens about the effects of drugs on their minds and bodies.

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