Computer Safety | Teen Ink

Computer Safety

March 11, 2016
By diaz.f BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
diaz.f BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Posting personal information on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, twitter. Is not a good idea.  Alot of bad  things can happen!!

You should not post or share your important numbers. For example your credit card’s number or your ID number, your passwords or your school ID number. The reason why is because people could hack you and post stuff under your name. they can also spend your money or steal your identity.

If its something that you just want to share with your friends, then do a private post or a private post. Don’t share with strangers because you never know what could happen. For example my cousin, she posted her phone number on facebook, and an old man wouldn’t stop calling her.

Having social media can be good and fun but it can harm you. So don’t be like my cousin and the next time you’re about to post something, think ‘’ is this safe?’’. Remember don’t post your personal or private stuff if you don’t want an old man calling you every five minutes.

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