Video Games Do Not Make People Aggressive | Teen Ink

Video Games Do Not Make People Aggressive

March 9, 2016
By Daunty BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Daunty BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  You might believe that videogames aren’t bad for kids but the matter of fact is violent video games actually improve more that hurt a teens/kids skills instead of making them worse. Example videogames help coordination, tracking of objects and visual recognition, it is also shown in studies that most kids aren't affected by slight change in aggression and distraction of video games and lastly it was shown that since the 90’s aggression/crime from playing video games have drastically gone down when prices and markets of video games have gone up. 


The first reason that video games don’t make kids aggressive is that when you play video games it improves about 28 different skills that will all help you in life like how coordination and better eyesight can help you during sports or in school or trying to find cool easter eggs in movies, planning and resource management will help you with certain jobs like if you were to work a shop or restaurant you'll need to manage food and different items. “Cognitive researcher Daphne Bavalier talks about how video games can help us learn, focus and, fascinatingly, multitask.’ It also improves determination and perseverance and lowers depression which all will help you in the long run. Video Games improve more instead of making your skills worse.


The second reason that video games don’t make kids more prone to aggression. It is that not all teens/kids are affected by slight change in aggression but this is all dependent on the teens/kids and the parents what their motivation to play, their personality and the situation in the game and in their lives. ‘’When Matthews brought the participants back after a week of not playing video games, their brain activity had changed again, reverting to more normal reactions’’ .This will determine if the kid or teen will be changed slightly by videogames. Like if the motivation to play is because of me getting good grades, the personality would be of any normal boy/guy or girl/woman and the situation would be a poor class citizen with good grades who gets games for being good and the games situation would be fallout 4 and after about an hour or more of his or her first video game would revert to being the normal kid/teen. Not much would change in me only that it will be a slight distraction and that the kid/teen would be hyped/happy for the rest of the day. This shows how really nothing to little changes from playing video games.


The last reason for video games not making kids aggressive is that as you grow up your aggression level lowers and maturity goes up. Usually the maturity level is why the kid or teen becomes more aggressive and that it not the fault of the videogames but the fault is of the kid or parent and how they teach their kid(s).So as I said before video games do not make people aggressive.

I would like to acknowledge that people say that video games make people lazy, makes people like violence and it's a waste of time and makes you dumb but I would like to say that they are wrong. Here is why, you don't become lazy from playing video games it just how people see gamers as people liking the violence in the video games is becauseof many reasons the more reason why is graphics, gore and the physics of the violence and it less likely that they will like it because of the rush of it. Lastly playing video games won't make you dumb but it will make you smarter and as I said before it will improve skills in that person.


To conclude that video games don't make people aggressive is over time you lose aggressiveness from video games as you get older, they improve a kids/teens skills and lastly don't affect many people who play videogames.


Videogames are protected by the first amendment because …..Video games qualify for first amendment protection. Like protected books, plays and movies, they communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to themedium and “the basic principles of freedom of not vary” with a new and commutative medium.

Esthetic and moral judgements about literature … are for the individual to make, not for the government to decree, even with the mandate or approval of a majority

The author's comments:

My name is Daunty and I wrote this acrticle about video games, because this is important to me and others about how people think of games and gamers all over the world. What i hope teens and parents to gte out of this is to have a batter understanding of video games and what they do to the brain.

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