legalization | Teen Ink


February 12, 2016
By tortuga16 BRONZE, Hornell, New York
tortuga16 BRONZE, Hornell, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Legal drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol, are far more dangerous in comparison to cannabis. Marijuana has hundreds of medical benefits dating to back around 2700 B.C. the US spends so much of our tax dollars on keeping marijuana illegal, when the country could gain millions if it were legalized, taxed and regulated.
  The two most deadly drugs in America are legal. Marijuana should be legalized, because it is safer than alcohol and tobacco combined. Alcohol and tobacco contribute over 675,000 American deaths each year. Over the counter drugs kill over 35,000 Americans each year. Alcohol and tobacco are highly addictive and can cause endless amount of health problems. Tobacco causes at least nineteen different types of cancer, and is the major cause of cardiovascular disease. If the government wanted to have a logical, and effective policies on marijuana, it should be regulated and taxed similar to tobacco and alcohol.
  The medical benefits are hugely immense. Written references to the use of marijuana as a medicine dates back to hundreds of years. Documented studies show that cannabis can relieve minor pain, nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, movement disorders and can help with insomnia.
  The active ingredient in marijuana is THC. studies at Harvard University show that THC has been found to reduce tumor growth in common lung cancer by 50 percent, it also reduces the spread of cancer in some patients. Cannabis is also a very powerful appetite stimulant, especially for patients suffering with HIV or eating disorders such as anorexia. other studies also show that marijuana helps with depression, headaches and multiple sclerosis.
  Despite all the documented records as significant medicine, the government classifies this as a schedule one drug. others in this schedule class include, heroin, meth, crack, Pcp and Lsd. Marijuana is not physically addictive and when compared to legal drugs, abuse problems with this are far less severe. why not legalize this, when the most harmful drugs are available in every gas station or supermarket.  

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the truth inspired me, and our broken government.

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