My luggage | Teen Ink

My luggage

February 4, 2015
By Anna.Rose BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Anna.Rose BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes when i wake up in the morning I think i’m a normal kid. I forget that i have to get up and go test my blood sugar.I forget my pancreas doesn’t make insulin. for just one second of my life i forget i’m diabetic. Then it hits me like a brick and I remember that i’m not a normal kid , my pancreas doesn't make insulin  and i have to go through my day doing things most kid dont have to do.
I go throught the day everyday. I have to eat every meal at  times. if I don’t eat at right time my blood sugars will get messed up. If a skip a meal like breakfast like most people do co could  get very sick. Some times i have to eat in class which  most people would love but it is  in the worst possible time.
Sports are very difficult with diabetes you can watch your blood sugars really close then one day they will go crazy and you can’t play. It is extremely hard for me in soccer which is my favorite sport. I am always low and my blood sugars won’t go back up. then i have to sit there on the bench while my team is working hard and i can’t be out there with them
Its hard to find people that really get diabetes. I have a few friends that i met at a camp they have diabetes so they get it but they don't go to my school so i can't talk to them and tell them what's going on. Even my mom if i try to talk to her she doesn't get it she thinks she does and she thinks she understands because she had to take care of me when i was little and couldn't do it myself. Its different she and my friends and family with oxut diabetes don't get it they don't get the constant fear that something might go wrong that i might not make it through the night.
Many people don't know that diabetes kills more people in a year than breast cancer. Even when people say ya i have had it long enough I am use to it by now. I have learned to deal with it. They still have that constant fear in the back of there minds. Some days diabetes will win and you will feel like just giving up like you can't do it anymore. There is a quote that says “Do not tell me I’m a “bad diabetic” you don't have diabetes. You don't know how hard it is. I try my best to manage what i didn't ask for. This quote is unimaginably true.
In an average school day i go to the nurses office about three times. Alot of people in my grade think im just trying to get out of class. This isn’t true by any  means. I hate missing class. I miss stuff and get behind. It hurts me more than they know when they say stuff like that. Many people just don't get it and they always tell me  bring me to class bring me not most of the time its to actually take care of me but sometimes they just want to get out of class. I go through this everyday.
So although many people think that diabetes is just a disease you have to take care of and move on. It is actually a mental game and sometimes you win sometimes you lose these are the thoughts or a diabetic but i can't change that I have it and all i can hope is that is that I win more often then diabetes.

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