The Word Depression | Teen Ink

The Word Depression

January 14, 2015
By JessicaShea BRONZE, Amherst, Massachusetts
JessicaShea BRONZE, Amherst, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being called weird is like being called limited edition, it means you don't get seen often
-Ashley perdy

The word depression comes with six more words that follow. Someone who is important to you will look at you with concern and ask if everything is okay. Its not but you will reply, “Don’t worry.” because there is no sense in making them unhappy too. They’ll keep looking at you so you force a smile “I’m fine.” After that comes the excuse; “Just tired.” end of conversation until it starts again with someone new. ‘Don’t worry. I’m fine. Just tired.’ Repeats in your head over and over until you start to believe it yourself.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write a differnt view on a well known topic.

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