Satire about Obesity | Teen Ink

Satire about Obesity

May 30, 2014
By Anonymous

The United States is considered on the most developed and liberal country that is filled with opportunities for everyone. The one thing, we the U.S citizens are the most proud of is the title, Number 1 Fattest Developed Country. Our obesity in our country is increasing and so are the fast food restaurants so that we can maintain our amazing title of number 1.

In the United States, there is an increase of fast food restaurants. Fast food restaurants give low wages to mostly those who need a job right away. This lifts people out of poverty as many of the lower classes can get jobs. What can be greater than providing jobs for the poor? Giving those in poverty work for their own income is the best and most efficient way to reduce poverty. These restaurants also provide cheap meals for those with low income. They double the weight of an average person and have more energy to work. Cheap, fatty restaurants contribute greatly to our capitalist system. This will boost our already great economy.

Obesity also leads to many health consequences as an estimated 300,000 deaths a year is due to obesity, which is right after the deaths of tobacco. It can lead to the following: cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis - a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints), and cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon). Obesity also lowers the mortality rates of many of our young generation as well. The need for medical assistants also provides medical jobs. With over-population problems going around in this world, it is our duty as part of the international community to contribute. Due to obesity we will be able to greatly reduce our population so that the people who are alive in this world don’t have to live with scarcity of materials and severe detriment of the environment.

As people gain more and more weight, they become lazy and spend their time at home watching the TV or using other devices. This will boost the sales of electronics and increase the standard of the electronics we use. Our technology will advance and become more convenient to use sitting down. The demand for products increases a company, which means increase in jobs yet again. Simple jobs of making the machines, jobs for people who design electronics, and many more. As technology advances, our lives become more simple.

The more time people spend at home, the more anti-social they get. Relationships between people will become more connected through technology. If people are less likely to encounter one another, they will less likely fight. Violence will greatly decrease as many people spend most of their time at home. The safety of the citizens of the United States will increase. People don’t need to feel embarrassed about being with others anymore because they will never be completely judged. For those who feel uncomfortable around the strict society we live in will feel more relaxed at home, communicating with other through technology.

So many other benefits come with obesity. What can be more important than providing jobs and creating a better livable environment for the people? Society will become more safe through the advancement of technology. We can provide jobs for those who need it and increase fast food businesses. I believe that obesity leads to the improvement of society and am proud of our country for being the leading most obese developed country in the world.

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