Adoption | Teen Ink


May 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Adoption is a choice many parents make. Biological parents want what’s best for their child. They want their child in an environment that is healthy and stable. Parents who put their child up for adoption know their child will be in a healthy stable home. The child will have everything he or she will need to survive. At the right age and right time adoptive parents should tell the child they're adopted so he or she will not feel so angry and hurt.

The reason adoptive children should know they’re adopted, because finding out much later and in a different way can contribute to feeling betrayed from the ones you thought loved you. Adopted children have a lot of questions as to who they are or where they came from. They wonder did she love him or her. Did she want him or her? They wonder why, but what some children or teens think is the birthmother didn't love them.

Adoption is a good choice for parents incapable of caring for a child. While as adoptive parents are more capable and financially stable of caring for a child. Parents who put their child up for adoption could be teenagers. They’re not ready to take on such a big responsibility without the help of an adult. With adoptive parents, the child is less likely to grow up with a single parent. An adoptive parent is able to give the love and support the child will need.

Some people feel adoption is wrong or unsafe because the adoptive parents could be abusive, or they feel the biological mother should be responsible for her own child. If a parent is unable to provide for a child give he/she to someone who can.

Although some feel adoption is unsafe, it truly is a safe choice for parents incapable of caring for a child. For two main reasons; first, the biological parents might be teens. Most importantly an adopted family can financially support a child. “Blood makes you related, love makes you family.” (

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this particular subject ... I was watching television and a teenager found out he was adopted. He was so angry with his adoptive mother for finding out through his grandmother. He was so mad at her that he died the same day. I hope people will understand that your adoptive parents are your family although you may wonder who your biological parents are or where you came from. It’s okay to wonder, but just know your adoptive parents may have wished of a kid they could not have. They were blessed with you. Even though you might be angry with them just know you are loved.

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