Teen Drug Abuse | Teen Ink

Teen Drug Abuse

May 20, 2014
By anthony caldwell BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
anthony caldwell BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Teen drug abuse is a major problem going on in the world. I think in order to get drugs you show your id. And some teens when the star doing drugs they start to get dumb and addicted to it and focus on drugs, or dropout of school. Or they will be on the streets selling drugs to people. If they get caught they will most likely go to jail. Teen age drug abuse is a bad thing situation around the earth; it will kill teens, get them arrested, and send them to the hospital because they are really sick.

Another reason of teen drug abuse is they have easy access to all the drugs. 50% of teens say that they it is easy for them to marijuana. 17% of teens say that they could get meth really easy too. A 14.4% of teens say they can get heroin. And more than half of the teens say it is easier to get prescription drugs than illegal drugs.

My second reason for teen drug abuse is Social Acceptances and low self-esteem. In 2007 they did a study of teen drug abuse and it showed 65% of teens say they use drugs to feel cool, and to be a part of groups. Or they will do it to feel proud of themselves, there was a percent of 65 that said that (casapalmera.com/5 reasons of teen drug abuse). Some teens that have low self-esteem are most likely to seek acceptance from the wrong of friends buy using drugs.

Counter argument for teen drug abuse is they use it for self –medication. They will use it if they have any pane and they will over doze on their pills. When they do drugs sometimes it helps with depression in their lives. When they did the study it showed that 70 percent of teens do it because of stress and depression. Or they do marijuana because it helps control cancer or maybe cure it so people who probably have cancer they buy marijuana so they can feel better.

Teen drug abuse is something so serious going on the world. All the reasons of the essay were easy access, social acceptances, and low self-esteem. Some teens that start doing drugs end up dropping out of school. Teens have so many ways to get access of drugs. There are so many people selling drugs and know people who can get them the drugs.

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