Dreams | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By kellywelly BRONZE, Ortonville, Minnesota
kellywelly BRONZE, Ortonville, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Today I shall act as if today is the day I will remembered

Disney’s definition of dreams is given to us by Cinderella. In Cinderella, she sings to us about how a dream is a wish that our heart makes and no matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, a dream that you wish will come true. Cinderella’s dream was to meet a Prince and to get out of the castle where she was a servant to her evil step mother and step sisters. Things weren’t looking good for Cinderella until her fairy godmother came and helped her meet the Prince and they lived happily ever after. And although I wish that we could all have a fairy godmother to come and help us when we need to get to the ball, we don’t always get that option so we have to keep on working for the dreams we want to accomplish.

Something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a very long time. This is the definition of a Dream in the dictionary. My idea of dreams is similar but it goes further in depth with how to achieve them.

There are many different theories and ideas about how people come up with dreams, how people achieve those dreams, and what they do after the dream has been achieved. Some people think that a dream has to be out of reach and that achieving it is impossible. Some people believe that dreams are small and insignificant and that you can just go and buy it at an expensive boutique or realtor. My opinion about dreams comes from a little of these and from different views and definitions.

People who view dreams as being so out of reach and impossible that they don’t even try are very wrong. There are many different variations of what dreams can be. Dreams can be very simple, for example, getting straight A’s for the next semester or getting a job as a nanny for the summer. Dreams can be moderate like saving enough money to buy a car or graduating from high school and college. And there are also those dreams that may seem out of reach but are possible to achieve after time and work is put into it, for example, starting your own business that will turn into a large business chain, and you will be able to set up your own work schedule and go on nice vacations and travel the world; or maybe it’s getting married, having a family, and being in a financial position where you don’t have to worry every month what could happen.

All of these dreams are possible, but no matter what dream you come up with, there is always going to be work that you have to do. You may get disheartened and want to give up, but when are feeling like you want to give up remember why you started in the first place.

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