Be Happy | Teen Ink

Be Happy

March 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Happiness and peace. Aren’t those the best words in the world? If you actually think about what it would be like to have peace, not necessarily world peace but maybe just inner, personal peace, it would be so wonderful. To be able to never worry, never feel anger or sorrow, never feel overwhelmed or stress, how sweet that would be. But life isn’t like that is it? It is hard to balance work, school, family problems, social pressures and all the drama of life without losing your sanity. Sometimes it is hard to be happy. However, you are not the only one who has ever been upset! If you’re looking for some advice on how to become a little bit happier then here are three quotes that might help you.

Almost all little kids have read a Dr. Seuss book. Whether it’s The Cat in the Hat or The Lorax everyone should have read one of his amazing books. Dr. Seuss isn’t just for little kids though. He offers great advice for older people too. Dr. Seuss once said, “Be who you are and say how you feel cause those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Teenagers are constantly worrying about how they look or what others will think. This is so not worth it. If someone doesn’t want to like you, there isn’t much you can do to change their mind. So just own up to it! Be the best you that you can be and let everyone else decide their opinions on the real you, not the person you are trying to be for them. Doing this might not get you a huge group of friends but it will make you a happier person. If you pretend to be someone you aren’t eventually it will break you. Then you’ll have more problems than solutions. If you’re worried about impressing friends then those people aren’t your friends. Be who you are and your true friends will stay. Those who leave are better off gone. You’ll find that the friends who stay won’t go unless you push them away.

Walt Disney also has some great words about happiness. He touches on the issue of worrying. School especially causes a lot of worrying. There is no need for it though. Walt Disney said, “Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.” Do the very best you can in everything that you do and you will be a happier person. Even if your best doesn’t give you an A+ it doesn’t matter because you couldn’t have done any better at that time. As you learn, your best will get better and better. The only way you should ever be disappointed with a grade is if you didn’t put in the effort it took to get the best grade you could have. Once something is done just let it go. This goes for every situation. Don’t fret the small stuff. You can’t change it so get over it. Stop worrying.

The third quote might not impress some people or it may anger others, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is true. C.S. Lewis is an author of many books including the Narnia series. He once said this, “Aim at heaven and you will get Earth ‘thrown in.’ Aim at Earth and you will get neither.” This is true whether you choose to believe it or not. Consider the Ten Commandments. They speak out against things like jealousy, lust, hatred, discontentment and everything else in this world that leads to our unhappiness. Imagine what would happen if you never worried about anything because you knew, you knew, that God has a plan and even if there are hard times it will be okay in the end. If you focus on God you won’t be worried about how you look on this Earth because you are going to heaven. You won’t care about all the things that you wished you had because you would be content with what you do have. You won’t hate others or feel anger towards them because you can see them as children of God. Now all of this actually won’t happen all the time because you live here on Earth and Earth tends to get “thrown in.” You still won’t be happy one hundred per cent of the time because that won’t ever happen, but this would help a great deal.

These quotes are very helpful in trying to be happy. Of course everyone has down times, but if you can eliminate the majority of those, why wouldn’t you? Life is truly what you make it so make it a happy life. If you can’t do it alone there are plenty of people around to help and there are people like Dr. Seuss, Walt Disney and C.S. Lewis who have left inspiring words for your benefit too. So be happy.

The author's comments:
This article gives some advice on how to be happier in life with the help of three quotes.

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