Obesity is a Big Problem | Teen Ink

Obesity is a Big Problem

February 26, 2014
By LionTigerBearohmy BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LionTigerBearohmy BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Millions and millions of people suffer from obesity every year. America is the country that has the highest obesity rate in the world. The question is, can obesity be cured? My opinion is that obesity is a disease that can be cured from many people. How can people take the step in the right direction? What are the causes of this disease, what started this? Is there ways to cure/help the disease? It’s simple; one of the ways to help this disease is to exercise. If people aren’t interested in exercising, then take pills that help boost the metabolism and leptin levels. Obesity isn’t always about overeating and lack of exercise; it also goes down to the molecular level. Don’t worry about the weight, worry about what’s ahead.

What causes obesity, what are the main factors that contribute to it? Overeating is a “big” issue with America. Fast food restaurants like McDonald's, Arby’s, and Burger King all have one thing in common. That is food additives/chemical changes to the food. Lack of exercise is contributing factor to obesity. 80% of all American adults say that they don’t exercise every week, according to cbs news. “An army marches on its stomach.” – Napoleon Bonaparte. Say that the body is the army, and the stomach is the metabolism, if the metabolism doesn’t function properly, the army will crumble. Sometimes it isn’t about exercise, overeating, or a slow metabolism, but about a person’s heredity. Obesity is a genetic disease that can be passed on in a person’s family. Life is about learning from the mistakes of everyone else, this is the beginning.

Exercise is a very important factor in a daily person’s life. If someone wants to lose fat they need to execute the things that help the body and the mind. Go on a diet, diets sometimes don’t work, sometimes they do. Join a gym, be active people won’t lose fat if they’re not active. Eat the world’s vitamins; vitamin D is a vitamin that actually helps people lose weight, better than any other vitamin. Green tea, the Chinese proved that drinking green tea is an essential to lose fat. It speeds up the metabolism; it’s a slightly easier way of losing fat. Most importantly is to eat right, don’t go and eat fast food every week; eat plenty of vegetables and fruit to keep the digestive system full. Good thing about exercising is that the body gains muscle while exercising. Muscles are an important factor of not becoming obese. The thing is that muscles are a burning engine, the bigger the engine the more fuel that it burns. Fuel is the fat around the muscle, the bigger the muscle the less fat that will be around the muscle. Exercising can be a tiresome and a time consuming process, taking some pills that help lose weight can be the right choice.

If exercising and eating right isn’t enough then there’s a small molecule called leptin. Leptin is a chemical in the body that sends signals to the brain telling that the stomach is full. Leptin can be loss in the body because of not eating right/genetics. Getting back leptin is a slightly more challenging problem, but a solvable one. According to Medical News Daily, leptin can be gained by taking special pills that give the body a leptin boost. A good effect of leptin is that the body will stop overeating and becoming very full. Then which leads to helping the body lose weight. Losing weight and becoming healthy is a problem that the world faces. If people aren’t successful in losing fat, then science will come through with an instant cure.

Millions and millions of people suffer from obesity every year. Obesity is a disease that can be cured through science and through exercising/eating right. Causes of obesity are a freighting but truthful statement throughout the world. Exercising and eating right are a powerful combination that can lead to success. Leptin, the miracle chemical that changes the body and makes it full can stop everyone from gaining weight. Obesity is one of the world’s challenges that face the human race; the point is that obesity is a “big” problem. Sad truth of obesity is that it’ll grow and grow, until everyone will be obese, no one will be healthy. Until the time comes that science will have all the answers to our problems, obesity will grow and grow; and we’ll all die in the bitter end eventually.

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