Teen Pregnancy | Teen Ink

Teen Pregnancy

February 27, 2014
By thingoneolive BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
thingoneolive BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only a life lived for others is a life worth while."

Every elementary school child goes through the phase begging their parents for a puppy or kitten. The child begs and begs while the parents’ repeatedly explain the responsibilities of the pet. A baby has much more responsibility that comes with the arrival. Almost like a puppy or kitten, but ten thousand times more. Mothers and fathers must provide the necessities for the babies. But, do teens have the ability to raise a baby of their own? Most teens are completely unaware of the raising of babies and responsibilities that come with. Teen pregnancy is a serious issue today. Having a baby as a teen interrupts the path to honorable goals such as outstanding academics, involvement in athletics or other extracurriculars. But for some reason, teens are still getting pregnant. Teen pregnancy is a problem. Our teens, your daughters, and your friends are facing this current issue. “Teenage birth rates in the United States are two to ten times higher than rates in other developed nations.”Also, four out of ten American girls become pregnant before the age of twenty. Sadly, the United States is known for the high rates of obesity and teen pregnancy. But, it does not have to be this way. Teen pregnancy can be prevented. The lack of involvement of parents and the education on teen pregnancy prevention is the reason of this serious debacle.

For a start, parents are becoming less and less involved in their teens’ lives. Teenagers of today are at “risk” if families provide too little monitoring, poor communication, and fail to teach values. Instead, parents need to communicate with their adolescents to form goals for their future. Parents should encourage adolescents to make and achieve goals and acknowledge self-worth and pride. As a result, teens can have a path to follow to maintain a successful future.

Also, education on safe sex can change the rates of teen pregnancy in the United States today. With the rising social media, TV shows, and movies, teens will not completely abstain from sex, therefore they should be taught contraceptives and safe sex.Television shows like The Secret Life of the American Teenager, 16 and Pregnant, and Teen Mom inform teens of sexual interactions/pregnancy. However, these TV shows do not reveal the consequences along with the pregnancies. Even clothing lines promote sexual activities for teens. For example, Hollister and Pink have clothes that read, “Let’s go all the way tonight,” and “Let’s Make Out.” Teens will be more likely to participate in sexual activity because of how it has been promoted and encouraged. To keep our teens in the know, sex education should be acknowledged and raised in schools.

All things considered, teenage pregnancy should be noticed as a serious problem. “Sons of teen moms are 13% more likely to end up in prison, while daughters are 22% to become teen moms themselves." At the rate the United States is maintaining, teens are more and more likely to be involved in dangerous and sexual activities.

To conclude, your teens, friends, neighbors, and family members are facing the possibility of knowing or even being a pregnant teen. The rates of teen pregnancy can be lowered in the United States if parents form bonds with their teens and sex education is improved. All in all, teens should be taught the responsibilities and consequences, so fewer teens become part of the statistics.

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