Technology's Effect on Health | Teen Ink

Technology's Effect on Health

January 17, 2014
By ShaneP BRONZE, Satellite Beach, Florida
ShaneP BRONZE, Satellite Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It has become more and more noticeable that teens in society today are obsessed over their technology and simply do not care for their own health. 20 years ago kids would be outside playing with their friends and/or siblings. Now kids just want to lay in bed and text or sit in a chair and play video games or even be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It’s sickening to me to see kids like this. Kids need to get outdoors more and enjoy the fresh air or at least go to the gym. Instead of getting caught up in the technology craving majority of society I choose to exercise and be outdoors. Kids complain about there’s nothing to do when really there are countless numbers of things to do like go for a walk or run, play basketball, soccer, football, learn to skateboard, but no kids don’t think of these things anymore and decide they want to be indoors on the computer or there phone. Society is becoming obese as a whole and it’s because people do not exercise like they should.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece, because of the fact that when I go to a friend's house they want to stay indoors instead of go out.

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