Hot Pockets | Teen Ink

Hot Pockets

January 15, 2014
By k_enzie_ BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
k_enzie_ BRONZE, Soldotna, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day one: August 27th, 2012

She wears the color black. Black is a solid color. It is the color of the dark night sky that may taunt one with mystery, and is filled with monsters. Some monsters we create; once natural and innocent, then were treated, processed, and packaged. These kinds of monsters are possessed; they have no mercy for the life of our innocent souls. We may think we can run, but we cannot hide. In our modern society, no matter where we may go, you are not safe from this type of monster: processed food. These monsters are everywhere we go. A monster has made their way out of the night sky and into this very room. I can feel its presence.

A tiny thing she is. She drowns in her clothes and her bones are defined. She seems to be a subtle creature. Alone, she now sits down ever so gracefully. Pulling out a napkin, she wipes off the day old, red ketchup crusted over on her squeaky seat. She heads over to the microwave; peering into her pink lunchbox. She selects a packaged food and places it in the microwave. The timer goes off moments later, and the door pops open, startling her. Steam rises from the white paper plate and she sniffs in the smell. A sly smile appears across her narrow face, she is satisfied with the product.

I observe her; quietly watching her every move.... is that what I think it is? She eats hot pockets? This could not be; I never saw this coming. It is now obvious that something has possessed her small body and soul. What could possibly posses her to consume such unhealthy, and over processed food? My observations are fast, and my conclusion is a monster is the suspect for this unjustly crime. This particular monster is made up of 360 whopping calories, of which 144 come from fat. It contains 36 carbohydrates and is high in saturated fat. Too much saturated fat is the leading cause of heart disease. Many people find themselves eating this product because it is fast, easy, and convenient. I worry for her, as she digests every bite.
It would be truly disturbing to watch here devour these hot packets every day. The smell fills the cafeteria and could make one nauseous. Now she pries at the little pieces of fatty pepperoni inside; she is struggling. She observes the pepperoni as if questioning whether or not to finish the hot pocket. It is a risky move, but she finds it necessary to consume the rest of the greasy hot pocket. The hot pocket contains so much oil it can’t keep it all inside and oozes out the sides. She reaches for a napkin and not a moment later is reaching for another one.

A tall man is approaching, drawn in by the smell of the hot pocket. He kneels down in front of her, as if to worship her and the hot pocket. Maybe he is possessed as well. I have a feeling the man and her are working together. Just maybe, they are planning to destroy all the love and happiness that exists on planet earth. I can tell by the look on their faces, it is sneaky and mischievous. The hot pocket has become a foul creature; it reminds me of Franken Stine. The hot pocket, just like Franken Stine, was created artificially and brought to life. Maybe the hot pocket was sent from the depths of the dark world below. We know not.

I cannot tell if she has finished the hot pocket. I can sense that the hot pocket knows I am writing down these observations. The creator of the hot pocket wishes for me to go blind, or even worse, the hot pocket seeks my death. Many businesses that process unhealthy food don’t want their customers to know what they are eating. Many businesses are in it for the money. In 2011, it was made a law for chain fast food restaurants such as McDonalds to show how many calories each item contained on the menu.

The girl is now making her way over to others, offering other innocent souls a hot pocket from her pink lunchbox. I have concluded that it was indeed the hot pocket that was the monster and it simply possessed her. The pocket is inside her now and it wouldn’t be long until it took over. She would go crazy and insane from consuming the unhealthy hot pocket. All hope was gone; I look around and more kids are eating hot pockets, and fear was stronger than ever. A sly smile now crept upon my face as lunch was coming to an end, satisfied with my conclusion, and the product of day one observations.

The author's comments:
This piece is related to health yet, not your regular health's interesting and interesting. Do you like hot pockets? Think again..

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