Young Mothers and Fathers | Teen Ink

Young Mothers and Fathers

January 8, 2014
By Antonio M BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Antonio M BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I know you won’t to show your love but think about safe sex. There are too many young people having kids. What I think about all this is, if you have child at a young age it would have to stop going to school to take care of him or her, most of your money will go to your child, and you are just growing up too fast.

One reason that you should not is that you are going to stop going to school to take care of your child you are not going to have time to go to school and take care of your child. You are going to stop everything and start to think about a job and getting money. You need to be in school.

Another thing is that you would spend most of your money on your child. Every time you get paid your child would need something or won’t something or won’t something. Like my god sister told me that everytime she got paid she would spend most of her money on her son.

The last thing is the you are just growing up too fast. When you have a child you would have to start thinking like a grown up. Most people in my family said when my godmother had my god brother she never went out again.

I know that people say they are ready, but you are not. When you wanted a child, but don’t stop reading! Safe sex is the safe way everyday. This essay shows that if you had a child it would stop your life. Therefore just don’t have one and keep going with your life and don’t start another one.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because i'm mad of seeing a new teen mom everyday and the mothers think its funny having a child but its not funny. Stop and think about it do you won't to have one!

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