Eating Healthy | Teen Ink

Eating Healthy

January 8, 2014
By Kennard B BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Kennard B BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People that are not eating healthy should eat healthy because it is worth the rewards at the end. Eating healthy is not something you have to do, but is something you should do. I say this because you will not be judged as much, you can lose weight, and your body will be healthier.

Eating healthy will cause less people to judge you. People used to judge my cousin because of the way he ate. This one time when we coming from the store some of his friends called him “Beast Boy.” This was because he ate a lot and he ate a lot of unhealthy foods.

Also eating healthy will help you lose weight. I know this because of the time that my uncle went on some Weight Watchers Program he lost almost fifty pounds. This is showing eating healthy limits weight gain by making you lose it.

Finally, your body will be healthier. I know this from the time my 7th grade science teacher showed the class a video explaining how unhealthy food affects the body and how healthy foods affect the body. This illuminates that I have learned about it.

To end, I understand that you might be used to eating unhealthy foods. Also that it tastes better. You should look at it like this eating healthy equals a longer life while unhealthy eating equals a shorter life. I know what I want do you?

The author's comments:
I wanted to write something to about health because I am an person who likes to play sports. Healthy eating is a big part of my life.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 11:51 am
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Kennard! Keep up the hard work!