How to Lose Weight? | Teen Ink

How to Lose Weight?

December 15, 2013
By 17sk03 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Alabama
17sk03 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Seventeen pounds. This was the heaviest weight that I have ever lifted, or even attached to my skin. It would be the most weighty object to the readers as well. That load is called fat. Yes, I had seventeen pounds more in the past, exactly seven months before. I was not able to wear pretty clothes and was an object of ridicule who watched for voluptuous ladies. However, all of these became an old story for me now.

For your first week of the diet season, record your weight and waist size in the food and activity chart. You must stick with the chart on your refrigerator and update it at the end of each day. To restrain your appetite, putting a picture of your role model, with ideal body line, would work out well. Instead of just eating everything unconsciously, planning before the meal and recording them would be helpful. On the second week, you have to get more active on exercising. Do any physical activity for 150 minutes or more every day. You have to increase your activity levels gradually on the next few weeks. The kinds of exercise that women can do are walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, playing sports, and stretching. On the third week, you have to increase the amount of food that you eat for breakfast. Make the first meal of the day the biggest amount of food that you eat from the whole day. Complete 150 minute exercise everyday. Besides the aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, tennis and cycling, it is important to do the muscle - strengthening activities, such as lifting weights, doing push-ups, sit - ups and yoga. For the next weeks until you finish dieting, you have to remember to increase the exercise intensity.

Food. Eating food that has lots of fibre will help you feel full for long time. Food with fibre would be apricots, orange, apple, wholemeal bread, potato, peas, baked beans, and brown rice. Fish, eggs, tofu, and lower-fat dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt) are all low-fat protein sources, which also help you fell fuller for longer. Since it takes about twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full, eating slowly will be effective to be full quickly, while eating just a little amount of food. Also, putting your food on smaller plates or bowls would be essential if you overeat often.

You will have just small amount of food, while you still feel satisfied. You also have to be careful on the calories of food. When you are having a dessert between meals, go for fruit-based options. Another important feature during the diet season is that you eat plenty of water, especially before meals. Avoiding eating at night is very significant, too. You have to stop eating before six o’clock. Make your stomach empty for fourteen to sixteen hours before the breakfast of the next day.

Exercise. Start exercising slowly and increase the intensity gradually over the weeks or months. Increasing steadily will benefit you to avoid soreness and injury. Daily exercises such as walking to the school, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and standing/seating in proper position will be beneficial to your diet. Participating in a sports activity that you can enjoy and find fun will ease the burden of diet for you. Listening to musics, including family or friends might be better as well.

Start from tiny sand, and end with gigantic beach. You exercise just little on the first day and increase the amount of you exercising everyday. Even though it is hard to pledge yourself hard enough to start diet, you will be happy in next few months as you see shrinking number of your weight. What people call me now is diet master. Do not be afraid of it, but be happy of your decision for next several months. Do not forget that any and all change you make to improve your diet matters and will benefit you.

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