Insecurity | Teen Ink


April 1, 2022
By Anonymous

Insecurity. I think it's one thing that teens nowadays deal with. It's when someone has a type of anxiety or lack of confidence about themselves. Self-doubt. There’s not just one thing that can cause insecurity. There are many factors that can lead to it. It could come from a traumatic event, a crisis. It could come from the environment that someone is in which makes them insecure. 

One of the most components that lead to uncertainty is, as said already, environment. “She looks so much prettier than me.” “I wish I got that dress.” “Why do my eyes see like that?” “I wish my body was thinner.” These are all things that individuals say to themselves in a way to induce them uncertain fair since somebody has something that they don’t in terms of physical appearance. Once you begin comparing yourself to somebody else you're feeling like you're less than them. It shows up more once you think you're distinctive from others. Being body disgraced by another individual. Or considering simply don’t have an astounding body. Being too “fat’ or as well “skinny” are what individuals think of themselves when they compare themselves to other people's body. Not having sufficient muscles is the reason that individuals turn to drugs to assist them out which isn't the reply to anything.

Perfectionism. Not thinking you're perfect enough just cause you're looking at someone and think that they're more perfect than you just based on how they look. This can eventually lead to depression, anxiety and even eating disorders because someones not eating properly based on their weight. No one cares about the numbers on the scale. Your health and the way your eating is more important than random numbers. Social anxiety from being bullied is another way that people can be insecure. 

Having critical parents can also lead to being insecure about the way that you are mentally or even physically in some cases.  I feel like that can also be one of the biggest insecurities that someone can have. Nothing thinking you're the best daughter or son for your parents. That you're not living up to your parents expectations of having a child. Kids put so much pressure on themselves because they want to live up to their parents' standards in fear that they might end up disappointing them. 

 Insecurity can also come from past trauma. Divorce, constants fight, and a loss of someone are all traumatic events that can eventually lead to insecurity.  One of the biggest trauma that causes insecurity is domestic violence in a relationship. Abuse. People get so anxious after being in a relationship with domestic violence and fear that it might happen to them again which makes them not want to get in relationships anymore. Events like that can really traumatic.

Everybody can have different reasons for being insecure. Whether that be being around people that you think are better than you, not being perfect enough, being around critical family members or even past trauma. 

The author's comments:

This piece means a lot because its something that teens these days go through a lot. 

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