Am I selfish or just doing what's best for me | Teen Ink

Am I selfish or just doing what's best for me

January 26, 2022
By Anonymous

I am tired of the endless cycle of being called selfish when time and time again I put others before myself. You would think family boosts you up, but it be the family members you don’t even know who speak ill upon you. You know what, maybe I enjoy being selfish if that means I have control over my peace of mind. Maybe being selfish is a way to protect myself, I seen the way people can hurt one another. I know how malicious one can be and I refuse to have such evilness towards me. So yes, I am selfish, and I don’t mind being the punching bag of the elders of my family. Just because I speak my mind and want the same respect, they do doesn’t make me disrespectful or selfish. What even makes one selfish? Because I hold my self on a different standard than others, because I want more for myself? And who’s to say your not selfish? What makes you so high and mighty, all you do is please people and talk behind their back. Maybe that’s what makes me selfish because I don’t want to do for others the way you do. The way you let people use you, it’s a difference between helping and just getting walked over like a doormat. Yeah, so if knowing boundaries, knowing my self-worth, and most importantly knowing when I cant help others if I don’t help myself. Then yes, I am content being selfish and so should you.

The author's comments:

This was just a thought of mine and I wanted to express myself doing what I'm best at, writing.

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