What airs out my soul | Teen Ink

What airs out my soul

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

What airs out my soul? In all honesty I do not completely know. I fall back to things that help me reset and take my mind off of certain situations I am in. That may be my definition of airing out my soul. Others may believe that airing out the soul means different, more personal, unique ways to give satisfaction to your mind and spirit. Either way you look at it, it is very important to find what gives you the reset or satisfaction you need. Airing out my soul consists of three main methods I use. There is the music route, quality time with friends or family, or a get away from reality. 

Music is the method most accessible for me. My go to artists are Frank Ocean, Daniel Caesar, and Giveon. Their music puts me into a calm state of mind where it is hard not to find yourself being sucked into the story the music is presenting. It is almost like you get put into a separate world away from stress and anxiety.  Listening to their music is like heaven on earth. Beautiful beats bounce back and forth between both ears like bouncy balls as their melodic voices bless my soul. 

Spending quality time with a friend, girlfriend, or family member always seems to distract me from my stressors. It feels like I am in a bubble and all the outside effects cannot get to me. The time I share always uplifts my mood and helps me reset. It is very easy to forget when all you have to do is have fun and focus on the other person. When spending time with them I feel a sense of warmth, like all my problems have been blocked off. It is like my life is a stormy ocean, but with them the overcast clears and the water mellows out. 

Getting away from reality has had the most long lasting effect on me. Going on spring break sophomore year was the best thing I could have done for my mental set. Sitting on the beach two hours away from midnight set me away from reality. It sent me away into a different dimension. There was no stress, no fear, no pressure. It was truly just the waves hitting the sand and the wind airing out my soul. 

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