A Big Trip | Teen Ink

A Big Trip

January 13, 2021
By Anonymous

On one early morning Bryan was on his way to school. Bryan never really made friends at high school so he sat at the front of the bus and talked to the bus driver. But this morning someone sat next to him, it was actually his cousin but they never talked because he was one of the popular kids. The only time they talked was at  last year's family reunion. He asked him what he wanted, his cousin started to take something out his pocket. It was two small pieces of paper in a small plastic bag. Bryan wondered what the two pieces of paper were. His cousin started to explain that it was something called LSD. Bryan heard of it before but he was never the type to do things he shouldn’t be doing.

Bryan's life was honestly boring and he knew it was. So he decided to try the LSD. So his cousin handed him the small pieces of paper, his cousin explained how to do it and all you had to do was place it on your tongue and let it dissolve. They both put it on their tongues and his cousin handed him a water bottle to help him wash it down. Bryan started choking and his cousin started laughing. Bryan asked how long it took to start working and his cousin said it's different for everyone, then he went back to his seat. As he left to go back he said to Bryan “enjoy the ride” and started laughing again.

15 minutes passed and the bus arrived at their school, Bryan sat and watched all the kids walk off the bus. But For some reason, Bryan felt like he couldn't get up. The bus driver was doing a check to see if any kids fell asleep or left anything important on the bus, when she noticed that Bryan was still on the bus. He told her that it felt like he couldn’t move. The bus driver helped him up and walked him off the but

As Bryan walked in the school something felt different, He could feel things that he didn't usually feel. For example, when the bell rang it felt like the sound was traveling through Bryan’s body. He rushed to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, it looked as if his face was melting but his eyes stayed floating in the air. 

He knew that he had perfect attendance so he couldn’t miss class, so he rushed to his class and sat in the back. He couldn’t do anything but stare at the ceiling. The teacher kept calling Bryan’s name but he was so zoned out he didn't hear anything. The teacher looked at his eyes and noticed that they were lava red. The teacher already knew what was going on so she helped him get up and took him to the nurse. He didn't even notice that he changed rooms. The nurse called home and told his mom the situation and she was at the school in a matter of 5 minutes. Out of nowhere Bryan was at home. He still couldn’t talk or move so his mom took him to his room and laid him down.

About 3 hours later, Bryan had woken up from his trip and walked downstairs to get something to eat. He couldn’t even remember what happened that day.  His mom sat him down to explain what happened because she knew that he wouldn’t remember what happened because she had tried LSD before. She had already ordered a pizza and some wings because she knew he would have the munchies. As she explained what happened, he started to remember and he couldn’t do anything but cry because he thought his mom was disappointed. She hugged him and said we all make mistakes. Bryan promised his mom that he would never do LSD again and began to explain how he got the LSD and who he got it from. After that day he never did LSD again.

The author's comments:

This story was bassed on one my friend.

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