Dealing with stress | Teen Ink

Dealing with stress

December 13, 2020
By Anonymous

Living in the 21st century, the world can be a very stressful place and it can spark anxiety anywhere. In the world of technology it can be easy to escape, but in this way it could do more harm than good. I find when on my phone the hours fly by, and then suddenly the day is over and I'm filled with regret for not doing something useful with my time. I find these are a couple of ways that are effective that I use to get away or de stress . 

When I think of an escape or an outlet, I think of self care. Something that calms you down and makes you feel better on the inside. One thing I have always run to is puzzles. The way all the little pieces each with their own unique shape fit together to create a complete image.  How the pieces will consume your attention, just waiting to find another match, and finally when it comes together you feel accomplished, happy with yourself. Before I got into puzzles I would think that they are only for older people, but once I started I could not stop, it became addicting.  The satisfaction from competing the puzzles made me want to continue and keep challenging myself with harder puzzles. Not long ago I completed a 1,000 piece puzzle in two days, it was as if I was glued to my seat and the puzzles wouldn’t let my eyesight off them. Spending my whole days sitting at a table with a puzzle is very therapeutic for me and I never regret those days because I get to challenge myself. It gets me off my phone and I just get to focus on me and the pieces left to be matched together. 

Another common way I escape is through music. I have always been one to think that music sounds better blasting than on a more normal level, which will most likely make me end up with hearing problems sooner rather than later. There is a playlist for every mood, so no matter what I will always have songs to fit my vibe for the day. Music is something I listen to everyday, it is a chance to just let the words of the songs cover up and make all the thoughts eating away at me disappear. I get to reflect on the words being sung and relate them to my life, or I will blast it loud enough to forget all the thoughts that worry me.  This almost always puts me in a better mood. 

    No matter what your escape is I believe it is important to take time away from the things that make you anxious and stressed and to reflect on yourself. Time away from your phone is always the best option no matter how hard it is. Get your mind off of what you are worrying about and try listening to songs or trying puzzles, you just have to figure out what works for you. 

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How to deal with stress in todays world

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