Not Alone [Two Minutes] | Teen Ink

Not Alone [Two Minutes]

November 17, 2008
By misswings2364 BRONZE, Forked River, New Jersey
misswings2364 BRONZE, Forked River, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Many people like to sweep things under the rug. Some aren’t so important that you know, like how a teacher is retiring soon, or that a celebrity’s in failing health. But there are some things that are important that we know. Things like, that there is abuse all around us, even if we don’t want to face it. But today, I’m writing about something that I feel passionately about, to hopefully help some people out there reading, that they are not alone. Every two minutes, someone in America is sexually assaulted. There is the truth, plain and simple. It happens thirty times an hour and seven hundred twenty times an hour. The majority of assaults such as these go unreported. 60% of all sexual assaults go unreported. A lot of the victims, if not most of them are kids our age. Kids our age are being attacked and most of them go unreported. I’m writing this because I want to make you all aware of this, that it’s not just people we don’t know. The attackers, most of the time, don’t just pop out of the bushes, though this does occur. Most of the time, its someone we’re supposed to know and trust. The physical scars heal, but sometimes the emotional scars never heal. They won’t heal without help. I’m here to tell you, you aren’t alone. Do not be afraid to seek help. If you’re unsure of what to do, contact RAINN (1-800-656-HOPE OR, or look on, both are extremely helpful resources to getting the help you need. Please, don’t keep this inside. The people at both of these places are there to help you, to listen to you, and most importantly, assure you that you are going to get through this, that it’s not your fault, and, if you wish, to help you press charges against your rapist.

Think about this.
2 minutes is all it takes for someone’s body, mind, and soul to be violated, but it takes hours, days, weeks, months, even years for the survivors to come forward. Some never do. It’s not just females, its males too. Anyone can be violated, no matter race, creed, social standing, the amount of money you have, gender, or sexual orientation. It’s a real thing, a very real thing, and it’s time someone spoke up to say, it’s time to stop sweeping this under the rug.
Stand up. Speak out. Get Help! It’s not too late.

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this article is Mariska Hargitay, the woman [And actress] who founded the Joyful Heart Foudation, a true hero.


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