Thoughts | Teen Ink


December 12, 2019
By jerseypicc BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
jerseypicc BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


                     On the edge, over it all. Your mind takes over without your control. You start walking while your mind is screaming for you to jump. No one can hear your thoughts, your mind is voiceless to others. You want nothing more than to ignore your thoughts but they’re becoming too strong. Those screams lead to danger, which you already know but how can you get them to stop is the real question. People say there’s no way to control them, but that’s incorrect. You have to force your emotions to the side and continue fighting. You’re here for a purpose, you need to be here to see it. It gets hard and the thoughts get bad but you’re stronger than your mind, even if it seems that you’re not. Life will push you to the edge with no remorse, but you’ve made it this far, you can make it even further. 

The author's comments:

This piece discribes my life and how i was so close to just leaving it all but i realized there's more to life and i have a reason to be here. 

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