It's All Your Fault | Teen Ink

It's All Your Fault

October 1, 2019
By J4H BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
J4H BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  It’s All Your Fault 
Imagine laying in a hospital bed with your lungs full of fluid; knowing you could possibly die. How would you feel? Who would you blame? You should put the blame on the company, your parents, and yourself! 
  First, vaping has cost 13 deaths and growing and leaving 800 plus people in the hospital. According to the research, one Juul pod equals 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine, and companies are selling this making matter worse. They are getting more people addicted and putting more nicotine in it costing people worst problem then smoking cigarettes; when they should be trying to help people quit. It is also part of your parents' fault and part of yours, because your parents should be telling you and teaching you what will happen if you vape or Juul, but part of yours because you get taught that stuff in school. You should also know it’s bad ad what comes with vaping. 
    That’s why vaping is part your fault, your parents’, and the companies. The companies need to tell you what comes with it, you need to be smarter, and your parents need to help and teach you more. Vaping is not good at all. SO, DON’T DO IT! 

The author's comments:

It shows whos fault it is and how people need to stop and be smarter.

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