The Parishing of our Youth | Teen Ink

The Parishing of our Youth

October 1, 2019
By 24robcay BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
24robcay BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine being lied to. Being told that you would be safe and not being told all the harm being done to you. That is the feeling of many teems worldwide. Many people think it is certain peoples fault but I feel as though everyone needs to contribute to make a change and stop teens from smoking. 
According to recent news, 1 juul pod equals 20 cigarettes, 800 plus people have some sort of lung disease, and 13 and climbing deaths from lung failures or some type of disease. These are all ways that we have been lied to. We were told the e-cigs and vaping is a safer alternative to smoking and that statement is false. Some people may argue that it is all the companies’ fault and that is not true, because what about the irresponsible teens who try it, or the parents who let their children do it. I feel that we should all be blamed for not trying to do something about this growing problem. 
This is important because 13 deaths and drowning our lungs is not good, and on top of that we have been lied to. I feel it is all of our fault and we need to find a way to stop doing it. So, whose fault do you think it is? 

The author's comments:

This piece is about how we have been lied to and how vaping is not as good as the companies advertize it to be. We are all to blame for this problem and we all need to come together to make a change.

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