Vaping- Who Is Responsible | Teen Ink

Vaping- Who Is Responsible

October 1, 2019
By Alysemcm BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Alysemcm BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you and your child are living a normal life, until one day you get a call from their school that she/he collapsed and needs to go to the hospital immediately. Later, you find out that she/he has been vaping, is severely hurt, and may even die. Kids all around the world are being hurt and even dying because of vaping, but who's to blame? Who should be held accountable for teen’s dropping like flies because of these silent killers? Vapes, E cigarettes, and regular cigarettes. 
        The sad truth is, it’s everyone! Kids themselves, tobacco companies, law makers, and sometimes, parents too! To my knowledge, it’s impossible for only one group to be responsible for teens all around the world smoking, but, one of the many responsible groups of people are tobacco companies. Tobacco companies are guilty of tricking kids and even adults to thinking vaping is okay, or that it is safer then smoking. But is safer truly safe? “That's why companies use appealing advertisements and other techniques to use appealing advertisements and other techniques to manipulate kids into buying cigarettes.”  (p91) They use things like flavored pods to persuade kids to do it, and this is not okay! Tobacco companies should have to follow a certain guideline when it comes to selling things to kids. For example, they should have to put everything bad about their product big and bold on the box, and many agree! The text states “They think tobacco companies should follow stricter guidelines about marketing to teens” I believe they don’t have enough information about vaping, or smoking in general, but they should! Another group of people that are responsible for teen smoking are the law makers. When you have teens dying all around the world, there is absolutely no reason as to why vaping hasn’t been regulated or even talked about by the people who have a lot of control over our country! Many websites state that the FDA bans access to minors and you need to have a ID. But if this is the case, how are kids getting them? This leads me to the next guilty group, the kids themselves! Between peer pressure, getting bullied into it, and being with the wrong friend group, there are just so many possibilities! Some say, “others think it makes them look good” (p2) and that is very true! Some teens may also get pressured into it and just give in, but they need to learn how to stand up for themselves and do what they think is right! Being with the wrong friend group also has a lot to do with it. Know your limits and your worth and choose your friends wisely! 
       All in all, there is no one person who is responsible for teens around the world vaping and smoking. Kids, tobacco companies, law makers, and sometimes parents all are accountable. It’s time to stop sitting around and letting the people among die 1 by 1. There are now 14+ deaths and who knows how many more there will be. We need to take a stand, we need to fight for what’s right, we need to destroy it before it destroys us!  

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