Maybe Snorlax Was Right | Teen Ink

Maybe Snorlax Was Right

October 17, 2018
By Ashfur24 BRONZE, Centerville, Ohio
Ashfur24 BRONZE, Centerville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drowsy driving is worse than drunk driving?


Fox News recently reported that a woman recently broke into a home, cleaned, showered and then took a nap. Her story is not too different from our own. Many other people from across America are desperate to have a nap. In the US alone than 75% of adult identified as working and being productive for more than 18 hours a day. This is more than the prescribed amount of productive time that is recommended by the Federal Government. So the woman that broke into the home to take a nap is not the alone one that deserves a nap.

For those adults 60 and older, almost half take naps. While ⅓ of all Americans imbibe in taking a nap. Clearly, Americans can find respite in taking a nap. But why? Many Americans find themselves, particularly adults, with an abundance of stress from their daily routines. Work is demanding. Kids are exhausting. Spouses require attention. For adults, naps can be a solace from their daily routines. This is important because without an opportunity to escape, adults may collapse both mentally and physically from the demands of daily life.

“I took someone so special. It breaks my heart. I have ruined everything,” she said. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” These are the words of 20-year-old Courtney Quinn as she is sentenced to jail after killing an innocent person because she was drowsy while driving her car. She ain’t the only drowsy driver, almost 21% of car accidents are caused by drowsy driving. Also, ⅓ out of all of those crashes result in injuries. Sometimes naps can occur at the worst possible time. All of our stressful lives, are continuing to interfere with our ability to perform normal functions.

Naps can improve your focus and emotional stability according to the National Sleep Foundation, who studies the effects of sleep on our nation. A usual nap takes up to 15 to 90 minutes. During this time the body according to lead researcher, Dr. Matthew Walker has found support for the idea that sleep is a necessary process that clears the brain’s short-term memory storage so there is room to absorb new information. This can aid your decision-making ability so that you can remain calm throughout a stressful situation and help you be in a position to help others.

So in conclusion, naps have a light and a dark side. To some, naps can relieve you of stress so that you can make better decisions. Yet to some, naps can also cause the greatest of accidents on the highway across the nation. A balance between getting the appropriate amount of sleep and supplementing them with naps is best for most.

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on Oct. 4 2023 at 11:48 am
Shorthairdontcare SILVER, Houston Area, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 76 comments
This is very important.