KFC: Kentucky Friend Cruelty | Teen Ink

KFC: Kentucky Friend Cruelty

March 10, 2009
By Haleybear321 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
Haleybear321 BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
1 article 3 photos 1 comment

More than 750 million chickens are raised for KFC every year and these chickens are treated worse than you can imagine. They are crammed together in sheds, their air is not safe for them, they also get broken bones from the way they are handled. Then at the slaughter house they are hung upside down and thier throats are cut. Then they are put into hot water some still alive. These chickens are still babies not even 2 months old. Many people have tried to ask KFC to treat the chickens better but they refuse.

The author's comments:
When I heard about KFC's Cruelty to animals I knew I had to spread the word.


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 3 2010 at 5:54 pm
cookie25 BRONZE, Markham, Other
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment
I couldn't agree more--the way KFC treats their chickens is completely unacceptable! Thank goodness for organizations like PETA who are tackling the issue.