Recycling | Teen Ink


April 28, 2015
By Gavin DeWitt BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Gavin DeWitt BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In our world today, there is a lot of pollution but what I think is the biggest issue is the amount of trash that is produced. Some of that trash could be recycled. Instead, people are too lazy to recycle so they just put it in the trash or sometimes throw it out their car window. There have already been some incentives set up for recycling such as getting a little bit of money for recycling pop cans. But, those aren’t set up in all states and I think if we want to fix our trash problem they would have to be set up in every state. Also, even states where they are set up they don’t solve everything. People still litter. I think there should be a fine if you throw something that could be recycled in the trash. That would at least cut the problem down a little bit. Another idea is to set up other incentives such receiving twenty cents for every pound you recycle. I think if everyone works together and follows these ideas then our trash problem will get better.

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