Saving the Bay | Teen Ink

Saving the Bay

May 20, 2014
By Morgan Fair BRONZE, Crownsville, Maryland
Morgan Fair BRONZE, Crownsville, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The most serene place I am most fond of is the woods behind my house. They are protected by DNR, the Department of Natural Resources. They are protected because they lead to a creek that goes into the Chesapeake Bay; it is also in the watershed area of the bay. All of the trash thrown out of cars on the roads or the disturbances of soil by four wheelers or dirt bikes causes harm to the Bay. It leads to an increase of pollution. This pollution causes native fish and plant species to be harmed or killed, which messes up the Bay’s ecosystem. There is a solution to this problem.

In New Jersey their highways and roads are cleaned by the corrections office parolees. They would benefit from this as well by getting their necessary community service hours while helping to keep Maryland stay beautiful. To reduce dirty runoff water entering the bay communities can plant specialized native plants that filter the water before it runs into the bay. Anyone can help; it can be already existing Bay organizations or housing communities that are willing to. The last thing that can be utilized is to have DNR and Coast Guard impose heavy fines on boaters that litter off of their boats and boaters who have oil and gasoline spills, for cars and boats alike. The extra funds will go towards Bay clean-up efforts and more filtering plants.


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