The Endangered Earth | Teen Ink

The Endangered Earth MAG

By Anonymous

   This planet earth, where we all reside together, is so very precious and priceless. We have only one chance before us in order to preserve and rescue this mighty heirloom for future generations. In just ten short years, the situation of the environment, whether it be good or bad, will be irreversible. As the situation presently stands, we can either continue living in our wasteful, thoughtless and irresponsible manner or we can change our own lifestyles to create a power influence in the recovery process.

The picture is uglier than most realize. Time is of the essence as the ozone layer is destroyed and rain forests fall faster than imaginable. Staggering amounts of crude oil spew into our oceans and acid rain contaminates our water supplies and kills certain vegetation. Nuclear waste seeps into the ground and smog takes up permanent residency over our cities. Car exhaust darkens our skies and endangered animals are ruthlessly killed off. Man has become too proud. Progress and population tend to cause us to fall back in our responsibility toward nature' or nature as it once was.

In order to combat this tremendous battle in which we've placed ourselves, we, each and every single person throughout the world must take steps. Simple steps such as recycling as much as possible, purchasing environmentally-safe products, carpooling or using public transportation systems, and becoming a financial supporter of environmental groups such as Greenpeace and the National Resources Defense Council, will start you off on the path to save the planet. Act now, get involved, find out what you can do to make a difference.

God bestowed upon us one and only one green earth, we must now learn to live in harmony with it. n


This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

Kuki said...
on Aug. 10 2015 at 11:18 am
Just love it