Saving the Planet Through Education | Teen Ink

Saving the Planet Through Education

April 1, 2023
By evalependorf BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
evalependorf BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
1 article 11 photos 0 comments

Human action has put the environment in an incredibly dire state.  If we don’t act now, issues such as deforestation, climate change, and much more will destroy the planet. This generation of youths, myself included, are part of the most environmentally conscious generation to exist, something not to be taken lightly.  When asked what should be done to save the planet, many reply with “stop climate change”, or “don’t use plastic”, or “reduce, reuse, recycle”.  Although all important, I believe that we need to start at something so seemingly simple, yet so very important, before taking any sort of grand action.  The answer––education.

These days, the lack of education seen throughout the world is such a pressing issue.  Many older generations, those greatly contributing to the destruction of the environment, lack the necessary education needed to understand how their actions are greatly harming the environment.  People don’t like change.  They like to stick with what works––or, at least, what they think works in the moment, but is actually doing great harm.  This is due to the stigma around adults being educated as, once again, people do not like change which is what education would bring. Moreover, people don’t want to be told that they need to learn something, taking it as an insult rather than seeing the opportunities that lay ahead.  For example, with proper education, illegal logging in the Amazon could be reduced by learning about alternatives to logging trees to make furniture.  Such alternatives include harvesting bamboo to make furniture, as bamboo takes less energy to produce, has greater durability, is more affordable, and grows faster than trees logged today.  If only people knew about such alternatives, we could be making great strides towards saving the environment.

So, if I had all the power, money, and resources in the world to save the planet, I would work to change the stigma around adults receiving education, provide opportunities for adults to receive proper education, and make learning about the environment a required course for students of all ages.  The harm that we humans have done to the environment is massive and thus, sadly, we can’t just start trying to resolve our actions by attempting to tackle the biggest issues.  We have to start at the root of the issue that ultimately started the demise of the planet–– a lack of education about how human action harms the environment.  

The author's comments:

The demise of our environment is happening at a rapid pace.  If we don't act now, we will reach a point of no return where nothing we do will be able to save the planet.  This generation of youths knows that we need to start taking action, but where do we start?  I believe that saving the planet starts with education.  A lack of education is causing many to continue their harmful actions as they are not fully aware of the repercussions to follow.  In this piece, this issue of a lack of education is broken down, and resolutions are provided.  Moreover, specific environmental issues are touched upon and specific alternatives are brought to attention.

I have always taken a great interest in the environment and actions needed to be taken in order to save our planet.  It upsets me greatly to see how horribly humans are treating the planet, and how most don't understand the great consequences of their actions.  Of course, reasons such as greed contribute to the continued negative human action, but we most consider other factors such as the lack of education seen throughout the world about the environment.  I strive to remain outside of this large percentage of persons through independent readings of environmental issues and policies, participation in climate clubs in school, and taking action at home to help the environment, such as recycling, composting, and so much more.  One of my greatest hopes is that a greater percentage of people will start to become properly educated in this important subject, as the environment and this planet are vital to human and animal existence.

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