Bullying is a killing Factor | Teen Ink

Bullying is a killing Factor

June 25, 2013
By Anonymous

bullying is a killing factor i been through it she been through it evan he been through it. we are humans. this world out her is very judgeful .. YES!! i said it!!!... life would be so easy if everyone kept there negative thoughts to thereselves or mayb get there promblems work out because we hurt theres nothing like a good talk with a parent or ,mayb a good mentor... Trust me if i did i no u can!!!

The author's comments:
i was bullied every now in then i tried not to let it get in my dancing ways or educational ways until it got real bad i started become scared and i didnt no how to defend my self so i ran and hid.. and i never said nothing to i met my mentor she has been there through it all and now i am BUllied Free!!!!!!!

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