Bullying | Teen Ink


April 1, 2013
By Megs101 SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
Megs101 SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my opinion I think bullying is a 100% wrong! Some people think it's okay, and that's usually the bullies! There is a kid in my school who got bullied last year just because he was short! I mean, he can't help it that he is shorter than everyone else. No one can help how big or small they are. It is a genetic. The way I see it is that the kids who never fit in are always the one who get bullied. For example nerds, geeks, goths, emos, and a lot of other people. The only people who don't get bullied are jocks and cheerleaders!!! It is not right and unfair! I don't think anyone should get bullied, no matter what! So if you ever see anyone getting bullied tell a teacher or parent! That way they can stop what's going on. You can even stand up for them!

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